Friday, March 8, 2019

It’s Friday and I’m so ready for the weekend!

Last posting, I explained that I would have a more in-depth idea of what our film opening will include and thankfully, I do! It has been three weeks since we have started this project and I cannot believe it took THIS long to get our final idea. Right now my readers are probably hanging at the end of their seats thinking, “Amanda, shut up already and tell me!” The answer is not yet, considering the fact that I love the element of suspense and surprise. Now that you guys are so eager to know what Onil and I have agreed upon, we’ll get to it.
To start off, we want to set the scene at a funeral, more specifically the main character’s mother’s funeral. The crowd is mourning, and her child is devastated, but we don’t want our viewers to get too involved in the scene, we only want them to understand that his mother has passed away. Then we’ll move onto the son (we haven’t decided if it’ll be a boy or girl) after the funeral, staring blindly into the walls of his house. The most important element of our opening will be the bookshelf. This bookshelf will contain the biggest change of the main character’s life. As he is looking at it, a photo album suddenly falls to the ground and curiously, he goes to pick it up. What he does not know is his mother’s power that he inherited summoned the book to fall. He opens it to find a notes from his deceased mother, it explained how she had a superpower, and when she dies, he will absorb it overtime. This was a shock to him, as he had no idea, but he is anxious to see what power he will behold. Throughout the end up the opening he is trying to call upon his power as a whole, and when he finally does the title of our film will be displayed.
This new and improved idea is super original and creative. We will have to manipulate different lights, objects, and the mise-en-scene greatly, but I can’t wait to see it all come together. I really think Onil and I have finally had a breakthrough, as we’ve previously been stuck. Stay by your computer as every posting from here on will be juicy! Have a wonderful weekend!

Quote Of The Day:
Image result for superpower inspirational quotes



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Here is my CCR!  Lots of love, Amanda