Monday, January 13, 2020

New News Monday, 

To kick off my blog, I’d like to share with you guys a project that I recently took part in creating, drum roll please…. A marketing campaign. 
I worked with 3 of my peers, Dio, Hannah, & Onil where we created a plan for a company in need, Wonder Paws. This company works hard to save endangered, neglected, and homeless animals (Cats & dogs) find the perfect home they deserve. As Wonder Paws is a fairly new business, about 8 months in, they have helped improve the lives of hundreds of furry friends so far. Beyond these incredible results in such a short time, we realized that they were lacking a strong marketing plan to take their company to the next level. With the conjoined help from my wonderful teammates and I, we had high hopes that Wonder Paws would be more successful with the new tips we had to offer. 
 Below are some pictures of what we have created:

                      OLD                                                                NEW
  • We thought Wonder Paws needed a more eye pleasing, playful logo/slogan. With said, this is what we came up with!
  • In addition to their Instagram account, we believe by creating a profile for them on the rising social media platform, TikTok, they would receive the exposure Wonder Paws is in need of. 

To see our full plan of our marketing campaign for Wonder Paws, I will post the video below → 

All in all, we had an amazing time researching and coming up with new ideas for this company. This marketing project worked to help prepare me for my portfolio project as my partner, Onil and I will be creating 2 trailers. We learned a lot about the importance of the target audience. Furthermore, of how based on what age group we want to attract, we will develop our content on what we know about them.
I’ll be keeping in touch,
Amanda :)

Marvelous Monday, 

Welcome back to my blog! As it’s been quite some time, I am pleased to announce that I will be starting my daily posts up (once again) for my Aice Media A Level project. Woohoo! I cannot wait to start developing and later creating new content for you guys as I’ve learned so much from last year. 

Last year, I successfully completed the AS level course. Happily, now I am enrolled in the A level course and there’s not a day that I leave the class without new knowledge. My skills have been evolving and I feel more prepared to tackle this year's project, than I did for last year’s. 

As the second semester is here and my career beyond high school is nearing, I am looking forward to what’s to come #SOexcited. Additionally, I hope to end this year with a big bang, and go to college with new and improved additions to my portfolio. Can’t wait to take you guys with me along this new journey that I am ready to conquer!

Enjoy the ride
Amanda :)


Here is my CCR!  Lots of love, Amanda