Friday, February 28, 2020

Happy Friday!
  I am currently driving up to Orlando to check out the campus and visit some of my friends. This week Onil and I are working hard to create a storyline. I know in one of my latest posting I said we would be doing comedy-drama genre, but when I spoke to Onil in class, we both decided that another genre would fit us best. We are currently doing some research and we hope to make a final decision soon. 
       Beyond our busy schedules as we both have school and work, I wanted to talk about when we would find the time to work and meet up with each other. Time management has always been something we have struggled with, but with a proper plan, we hope to overcome it. 
To start off, I work Monday-Friday, and the times vary from what I am doing that day. I am a certified lifeguard and a swim instructor, so depending on if I get shifted to guard the pool or teach classes, my schedule does alter. Onil works on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 9am-6pm, and Sunday from 10am-3:30pm. As explained, we both work a lot and on top of our outside school activities, we both take advanced courses. To resolve this conflicting issue, we have decided to work mainly as Sundays together, during the week in class, and over the phone (facetime/text message/phone call) as much as we can. 
Keep you posted,

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Here is my CCR!  Lots of love, Amanda